Blog 8: Website Design
I have never been tasked to design a website, however, I thoroughly enjoyed doing so for this assignment. The Web Design assignment taught me many skills that will be useful in my future as an educator. Some skills include the ability to create a website in general. I was also able to add multiple tabs to my page, add pictures, links, and even embed a calendar that was connected to my google calendar. Overall, I really liked designing my own webpage, however, there were things that Weebly did not make easy to do. Personally, I found it a little difficult to position things where I wanted them. Instead of just placing things where I wanted them to go, I had to add and adjust spacers in order to create the design I was intending for. Overall, I enjoyed working with Weebly and think I can use this site and the skills I learned from it to create a webpage for my class in the future. My webpage can be found by clicking here.
After continuing the use o Diigo, I am further advancing my knowledge about the site. One thing that I recently learned and implemented was the use of annotating and sticky notes through Diigo. This is a great skill to know through the site because it allows for members of the group to view key points of a resource without having to read the entire resource. This is extremely beneficial for any group work, whether it be between coworkers, classmates, or teacher and students. Even though, I think this is a great feature, I still do not love using Diigo and will probably try to avoid the use of it in my future.
As a teacher, it is extremely important to stay up to date with the advancements of technology. Students typically learn a lot about technology in their schools and it is necessary to continue teaching them the advancements as they occur. There are many resources teachers can use that can help them stay up to date with technology in a classroom. There are conferences, webinars, seminars, and blogs that enhance teacher development. A blog that I found to be helpful is Ask a Tech Teacher, which provides teachers with online resources for students ranging from K-12. This blog is a great reference for teachers to implement technology in their lessons.
Hey Ashleigh! Your website looks so cute! I love the fall theme you have on the home page! It's so easy to navigate and I love all the pictures you used. It looks great!
ReplyDeleteHey Ashleigh! I think your ideas about how technology is ever changing and teachers need to stay up to date in order to effectively teach their students is a great point. Interesting point that you did not prefer Diigo, I can definitely see where you are coming from. Awesome post and Happy Halloween!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashleigh, I really like your website. The background is consistent, and all the information is well-organized. It's really easy to navigate from one page to another. And you right, sometimes it's hard to arrange stuffs on Weebly editing site but it seems like everything works well for you!
ReplyDeleteNow that's a darn good website if I've never seen one. The design of the page overall is extremely consistent and things are laid out in an excellent manner.
ReplyDeleteHi Ashleigh, I like your website and the color is great. However, I find the site to be lacking in the design with some pages having little text at all and others a great deal. I feel that everything is shoved in my face. I understand it can be difficult to create a website from scratch, but those are my observations.